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the greater trochanter

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Q: A large rough projection of a bone found only on the femur is a?
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What is the large proximal projection on the femur?

Trochanter. A large, rough projection.trochanter

What is the difference between a female femur from a male?

The neck of the femur forms a shallower angle with the long axis of the femur bone in a female. Forensic anthropologists have found differences in the measurements of the transverse width and length of the head of the femur between the sexes, and have posulated this application in identifying sex of dismembered murder victims; however, there are significant differences between races also. The femur bone has many raised rough portions, and protubernces for the attachment of muscles, these are usually larger in males due to the greater pull of the attached muscles which are larger.

What structure is found on the rough er that is not found on smooth ER?

what structure is found on the rough er that is noyt found on the smooth er

What does a lug mean?

drag or carry with effort or pull hard or hard or rough pull or a projection on a object by which it may be carried or fixed

What is found on the surface of rough er that makes it look rough?


What is rasping?

A rasp is a large rough file.

Where is the rough endoplasmic reticulum found?

It is found inside of a cell.

How can you tell ER from smooth ER?

Ribosomes are found in rough ER while they are not found in smooth ER. These are what give the "rough" appearance.

What is a diamond rough?

When mined or found, uncut diamonds are called rough or raw diamonds.

Rough ER synthesizes large amounts of what?


What muscle is inserted on coronoid process of ulna?

The Coracoid process of the ulna is a triangular projection with a rough surface. The Coracoid process is the insertion site for the brachialis muscle.

Where are ribosomes present a part from rough endoplasmic reticulum?

Ribosomes are mostly found associated with the rough endoplasmic reticulum (rough ER or RER); however, some are also found free-floating in the cytoplasm.