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Q: A lesion in the optic chiasm creates blindness in?
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What blindness causing disease originates not in the eye but the brain?

pituitary adenoma affecting the optic chiasm.

Where is the optic chiasm?

The optic Chiasm is located where the optic nerves partially cross on the brain

What happens at the optic chiasm?

Axons from each retina cross at the optic chiasm.

Can pituitary gland tumor cause blindness?

Yes, if it presses on the optic chiasm, it can cause blindness. There is effective medical treatment to prevent or address this late complication.

Where do the two optic nerves reach the diencephalon?

The Optic Chiasm

What is the point called at which the optic nerves cross?

The optic chiasm

What is the optic intersection in the brain?

The optic chiasm is where the two optic nerves cross in the brain.

What is the white matter tracts between the optic nerves and optic tracts?

Optic Chiasm

Can you see the optic chiasma with an opthalmoscope?

No. The optic chiasm is located at the base of the brain.

Is Optic chiasm the blind spot of eye?

No. The blind spot in the eye is the optic disc, the point where the optic nerve meets the retina. At this point, there are no photoreceptors, so no detection of vision. The optic chiasm is the place near the brain where the optic nerves cross over.

The crossing over of the optic nerves is the?

Optic chiasm is located around the pituitary gland.

What is the anterior visual pathway?

The anterior visual pathway refers to the pathway that visual information takes from the eyes to the visual cortex in the brain. It includes the optic nerves, optic chiasm, optic tracts, and lateral geniculate nucleus. This pathway is responsible for transmitting visual signals from the retina to the brain for processing and interpretation.