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Q: A limiting factor is any factor that controls the growth of a population What do you think are some of the limiting factors for the rabbit population?
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What is the factor that controls the growth of a population?

the fitest survive

This is a limiting factor of a population that does not depend on the population density. These factors are usually abiotic factors.?

density independent limiting factor

What is the definition of limiting factor?

it is an environmental factor that causes a population to decrease.

What are limiting factors?

A resource whose availability limits the size of a population is a limiting factor. Food is a limiting factor when there is not enough food available to feed the entire population. Any resource can be a limiting factor for population size.

What are 3 limiting factor in a deer population?

The three limiting factors are food, water, and shelter.

Anything that controls the growth or survival of a population?

that's called a limiting factor (food is an example).

What restricts the number of individuals in a population is a what factor?

Limiting factor

Which limiting factors are associated with a s shaped curves on a population charts?

density-dependent factor

What is the main difference between a density dependent limiting factor and a density independent limiting factor?

A density dependent factor is a limiting factor that depends on population size. A Density-independent limiting factor affects all populations in similar ways, regardless of the population size. Its in my biology book.

Limiting factors whose effects increase as the size of the population increases are called what?

Limiting factors whose effects increase as the size of the population increases are known as density-dependent factors. Competition is an example of a density-dependent limiting factor.

What is Anything that restricts the number of individual in a population is a?

A limiting factor is anything that restricts the number of individuals in a population

What does limiting factors mean?

In biology, common limiting factor resources are environmental conditions that limit the growth, abundance, or distribution of an organism or a population of organisms in an ecosystem. :G-11.