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Q: A major cause for the colonies declaring their independence from England was the issue of?
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Is slavery a cause for the colonies declaring?

If the question is "Is the slavery a cause for the colonies declaring independence from Britain," then no. They wanted freedom from them. Slavery was a big issue in the Civil War, though.

A major cause for the colonies declaring their independence from Great Britain was the issue of what?

Taxation without representation

What did lord acton believed caused the french revolution?

he believed the american declaring independence was the cause.

What did Dickinson argue?

Dickinson believed declaring independence would hurt the colonies rather than help them. He argued that it would lead to a war that would cause great suffering. He did not think any European nation would help the colonies against Britain. He also believed that the colonies would not stay united if they won independence.

What were the causes and consequences of the American Declaration of Independence of 1776?

The cause of the Declaration of Independence was the laws and taxes that Britain forced on the colonies. The declaration listed the complaints of the colonists, and declared independence from England. The result was the American War of Independence, in which America was victorious.

What the lord Acton believe caused the french revolution?

he believed the american declaring independence was the cause.

Why did the colonists want to achieve independence?

cause england be dissen them

Why did new England colonies insist on education?

cause they needed it

What doe the revolutionary war have to do with the Declaration of Independence?

In simple terms declaration of independence is the act of declaring the intent to become independent and cutting ties from the mother country. Revolutionary war is the cause of declaring independence. For example, If texas declared independence its intending to cut ties to the U.S. If the U.S. for some reason rejects its plea for independence than both texas and the U.S. disagree on a peaceful independence than it turns into a revolutionary war.

Why wasn't there a large amount of slaves in the new England colonies?

cause they did not need them

Why was the selection of Washington as a commander of the army an important step towards independence?

George Washing want independence from England for the same reason as many in the colonies. There was no fairness in the way the colonists were treated when it came to the king's edicts, taxes, and statutes.

What was the reason for Thomas Paine's pamphlet Common Sense?

At the time Common Sense was published, the people of the 13 colonies were by no means unanimous in their wish for freedom from England. Paine (born in England) wrote "Common Sense" as an argument in favor of seeking independence from England, and it's well-written style changed many minds, and helped to unite the colonists in the cause of independence.