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Chemical potential energy

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Keb Lol

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Q: A man filling his car with gas is expecting what kind of energy conservation to happen?
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A man filling his car with gas is expecting what kind of energy conversion to happen?

Chemical Potential Energy to kinetic energu

How is the conservation of momentum important to astronomy?

There are several conservation laws in physics, and many of them tell an astronomer what is, and what isn't, possible. This can help explain how certain things happen, or even predict what will happen. Among the laws of conservation that are relevant in astronomy are: conservation of mass; conservation of energy; conservation of momentum; conservation of rotational momentum; conservation of charge.

What would happen to the conservation of energy if electric field were non-conservation?

The known non-conservative forces are force, like friction, where energy gets wasted. This means that useful energy gets converted to unusable energy. You can invent a Universe with non-conservative forces, where you can actually get energy out of nothing, but this is not likely to happen in the real world.

What is the only thing that can happen to energy?

Energy can only be transformed from one form to another, but it cannot be created or destroyed according to the principle of conservation of energy.

What is pesimist?

Expecting the worst to happen

Could you die with a small shock?

Yes. some people will die, and be expecting it to happen. Others will die not expecting it at all. And others will die, expecting it to happen soon, but maybe not at that moment.

What can never happen to energy?

Energy cannot be created or destroyed - it can only be transformed from one form to another. This principle is known as the law of conservation of energy.

When did Operation Conservation happen?

Operation Conservation happened on 1990-05-06.

What happen to the energy in the isolated system?

In an isolated system, the total energy remains constant. Energy can only be transferred or transformed between different forms within the system, but the total amount of energy remains unchanged. This principle is described by the law of conservation of energy.

When will 2012 happen?

Not surprisingly in 2012. Were you expecting another date?

When energy transformation happen energy is never?

When energy transformations occur, energy is never created or destroyed. Instead, it simply changes from one form to another, such as from potential energy to kinetic energy or from electrical energy to thermal energy. This principle is known as the law of conservation of energy.

What happen to some of the remaining energy?

Some of the remaining energy from a system could be lost as heat to the surrounding environment or converted into a different form of energy, such as sound or light. This process is often described by the principle of conservation of energy, which states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed.