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Q: A material through which electric current does not pass easily?
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Definition of insulators of electricity?

That refers to a material that doesn't let an electric current through easily - a material with a high resistance,

How are condutors and insulators different?

A conductor is any material that allows an electric current to pass through easily and an insulator is a material that stops or slows energy

What does electric current pass easily through?

it can easily pass through a wire a conductor or a battery

What is a material through which negatively charged particles flow easily?

A material through which negatively charged particles flow easily is called a conductor. Conductor materials have a large number of free electrons that are able to move within the material, allowing the easy flow of electric current. Examples of good conductors include metals like copper, aluminum, and silver.

What is a material through which electrons do not easily flow?


If a material conducts electricity easily what will it have?

It must have a low resistance to the flow of electric current.

A material that current can pass through easily?

A material that passes current easily is called a conductor. The best conductors are metals.

A material which an electric current does not pass by easily?

An insulator. (plastic, glass, porcelain, wood, rubber...)

An material that allows electricity to pass through it easily?

It would be an electric conductor.

What material the does not let electric charges flow a easily through them is called?


Electrons do not move easily through?

If an electric current doesn't pass easily through a substance, such a substance is said to be an INSULATOR.

What do you call a material that current cannot flow easily through?

An insulator.