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Q: A measure of the brightness of a star of another celestial body?
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What system of navigation in which a navigator finds positions of measure would christopher columbus use?

Celestial navigation or the use of the sun, the moon and stars."Celestial navigation is the use of angular measurements (sights) between celestial bodies and the visible horizon to locate one's position on the globe, on land as well as at sea. At a given time, any celestial body is located directly over one point on the Earth's surface. The latitude and longitude of that point is known as the celestial body's geographic position (GP), the location of which can be determined from tables in the Nautical or Air Almanac for that year."

What is a back staff?

A back staff is a navigational instrument that was used to measure the altitude of a celestial body, in particular the sun or moon. When The name came from the fact that users kept the sun to their back and observed the shadow cast by the upper vane on a horizon vane.

What achievements did the USSR have in the space race?

First satellite, man in space, animal in orbit and spacewalk. Also the first woman in space, the first robot on the moon, the first rover on another celestial body and the first space station.

Who were the first people to use body parts to measure objects?

The first people to use body parts to measure objects were the first people on Earth. This was their only way of measuring anything.

Would a massless body have inertia?

Not a single body is present in this universe without mass but they can be weight less.By definition, mass is the measure of the inertia of a body, so if the body were without mass (as some particles, for example), it would have no inertia.

Related questions

What is an apparent magnitude?

Apparent magnitude is a measure of how bright a celestial object appears from Earth. It is a logarithmic scale where lower numbers indicate brighter objects. Apparent magnitude takes into account the intrinsic brightness of the object as well as its distance from Earth.

What is a small celestial body that orbits another celestial body other than the sun?


What is an absolute magnitude?

Absolute magnitude is a measure of the intrinsic brightness of a celestial object, such as a star or galaxy. It is defined as the brightness the object would have if it were located at a standard distance of 10 parsecs (32.6 light years) away from Earth. This measurement allows astronomers to compare the true brightness of different objects independently of their distance from Earth.

IS a supernova a celestial body?

A supernova is not a celestial body in itself, but rather an astronomical event where a star suddenly increases greatly in brightness due to an explosive burst of energy. It is the result of the death of a massive star.

What is relative surface gravity?

Relative surface gravity is a measure comparing the force of gravity on one celestial body's surface to that of another celestial body. It takes into account the differences in mass and radius between the two bodies. This comparison helps in understanding the gravitational pull exerted on objects on the surface of different celestial bodies.

What is a sattellite?

An object launched to orbit Earth or another celestial body.

What astronomical unit is the measure of distance between the earth and what other celestial body?

light year

What is a measure of gravitational force acting on an object?

The measure of gravitational force acting on an object is its weight, which is the force exerted on the object due to gravity pulling it towards the center of the Earth or another celestial body. It is typically measured in units of force such as newtons or pounds.

What is a dimming light from one heavenly body by another?

A dimming light from one heavenly body by another is called an eclipse. This occurs when one celestial object moves into the shadow of another, causing a decrease in brightness or visibility. Examples include solar eclipses, where the Moon blocks the Sun's light, and lunar eclipses, where the Earth blocks the Sun's light from reaching the Moon.

Why solar and lunar eclipses occur?

An eclipse is when one celestial body blocks another from sight: the moon gets in between the Earth and the Sun.

What is the name of the circular path?

The circular path is called an orbit when a celestial body moves around another celestial body due to their gravitational attraction. It can also be referred to as a loop or a circuit in general terms.

What is reflection of a celestial body called?

The reflection of a celestial body is called "albedo," which is a measure of how much light is reflected by a surface. A high albedo means that the surface reflects a lot of light, while a low albedo means that the surface absorbs more light. Albedo can vary depending on the composition and texture of the celestial body's surface.