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1w ago

Correct. Minerals that do not split apart evenly, like quartz or obsidian, exhibit fracture instead of cleavage. Fracture can be described as uneven, conchoidal, splintery, or fibrous, depending on how the mineral breaks.

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3y ago

It is true i hope this helps everybody!!!!!!!!

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Q: A mineral that does not split apart evenly has the property of fracture?
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Does a mineral that does not split apart evenly has the property of fracture.?


What type of fracture is it when a mineral splits evenly?

The type of fracture formed when a mineral splits evenly is called a cleavage. An example is when mica breaks apart in sheets.

How a mineral breaks apart when it does not split evenly?

The two way by which minerals break are called cleavage and fracture. Cleavage is when a mineral breaks along a plane whose atomic bonds are weaker than in the rest of the mineral. Fracture is when a mineral is forced to be broken in an unnatural direction.

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If a mineral breaks unevenly or along curved or irregular surfaces what it is said to break with?

Fracture. When it breaks apart cleanly, that is called Cleavage.

Graphite is a mineral made up of carbon atoms that form thin sheetsbut the sheets are only weakly held together predict whether grap will break apart with fracture or cleavage?

Graphite will break apart with cleavage because the carbon atoms are arranged in layers that have weak bonds between them. This allows the layers to slide past each other easily, resulting in cleavage along flat planes.

How do scientist tell one minerals apart?

You can tell if a mineral is a mineral by its characteristics: *color *luster *streak *hardness *cleavage/fracture *crystalline structure

A stress that causes a material to fracture where the fracture opens or spreads apart is?


What is fracture mean in earthquake?

Mineralogically speaking, fracture means the characteristic appearance of the surface of a freshly broken mineral or rock. It can also mean the manner in which a mineral or rock naturally breaks.Synonyms of fracture include, but are not limited to: splinter, smash, split, rupture, and shatter.

What does fracture mean?

Fracture means a type of break. Not the same as a broken bone. A broken bone is when the bone snaps and the two peices of bone come apart. A fracture is when the bone breaks but does not come apart/disconnect.

Which French emperor's surname suggests a fracture?

Napoleon as in Bone apart.