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aids your memory.

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Q: A mnemonic device is something that?
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Mnemonic device

What is a mnemonic device for the letters pv c q c and e?

A mnemonic device is something that allows a person to remember something. For example, the letters pvcqc and e would each have a sentence.

What is a mnemonic cartoon?

A mnemonic device is something that helps a person remember something. For example, sentences made up to remember the order of Mitosis. A mnemonic cartoon is similar, except it is a drawing to help a person remember.

A mnemonic device helps you remember something by?

using a familiar thing to stand in for something you want to remember.

Creating a mnemonic device involves?

finding something familiar to represent something unfamiliar.

What is the correct spelling of pmneumonic device?

It help you understand and identify things better. Like, in my cass answering this dun question! "Why should that mnemonic device be changed?" okay so like you know the order of planets why should it be changed-

What word is pronounced ni-mon-ik?

The word "mnemonic" is pronounced as ni-mon-ik. A mnemonic is a device, such as a pattern of letters, ideas, or associations, that assists in remembering something.

What is a mnemonic device for the word diligent?


What Any device that assists you in remembering information is called a?

rheumatic device Answer: It's a mnemonic device.

What do you call device used to aid recall?


A memory device for learning specific items?

a "mnemonic"

Is the alphabet song is a mnemonic device true or false?
