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It travelled 2125 feet.

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Q: A model rocket was launched to an altitude of 54925 feet. How many feet above 10 miles did it travel?
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A model rocket was launched to altitude of 54925 feet. How many feet above 10 miles did it travel?

It travelled 2125 feet.

A model rocket was launched to an altitude of 54 925 feet how many feet above 10 miles did it travel?

h + vt -4.9t^2=54925 10+10v-4.9(10)^2=54925 500+10v=54925 10v=54925-500 10v=54425 v=5442.5

What is the altitude of 54925?

Presumably 54925!

How many feet above 10 miles will it be if a rocket was launched 54925 feet?

2,122.56 feet above 10 miles.

How do you solve 54925 feet with 10 miles?

Knowing that 5280 feet equals 1 mile allows an initial approximation to be made of 10 miles (= 52800 feet). As the difference between 54925 and 52800 is 2125 and this is less than half of 5280, then this confirms that 54925 feet when rounded off to the nearest mile equals 10 miles.

54925 how many feet above 10 miles?

54,925 feet is 2,125 feet above 10 miles.

What is Lenience on phonetics?

You probably mean "lenis" not "lenience." Lenis is the opposite of fortis, and refers to the relative amount of effort used in speech sound production. Sounds produced with more effort are said to have fortis, while sounds produced with relatively less effort are said to have lenis. Compare, for example, the amount of air exiting the oral cavity (mouth) on the speech sounds [p] and [b]. There is typically much more air on [p] than on [b], so we would say that [p] is a sound with fortis and [b] is a sound with lenis. For further explanation see page 45: Bauman-Waengler, J. (2008). Articulatory and phonological impairments: a clinical focus (3nd ed.). Published by Allyn & Bacon, Needham Heights, MA. ISBN-13: 978-0-205-54925-2