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This would be a cell found in a female.

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Q: A normal human cell containing 44 autosomes and 2 x chromosomes is what?
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What is a human cell containing 22 autosomes and a Y chromosomes?


What is the term for chromosomes that do not determine sex?

Chromosomes that aren't sex chromosomes are called autosomes. There are 44 autosomes in a normal human somatic cell and 22 in normal human gametes. The only chromosomes that affect the sex of an organism is the X and/or Y chromosome. XX = Female and XY = Male.

First 22 pairs of chromosomes in karyotype?

The first 22 pairs of chromosomes in a karyotype are called autosomes. These chromosomes are numbered from 1 to 22, with each pair containing one chromosome inherited from each parent. They determine an individual's genetic characteristics and traits, excluding sex-linked traits.

How many autosomes are present in a normal human karyotype?

There are 46 chromosomes in a human Karyotype.

What is the genotype of normal human female?


Human cell containing 22 autosomes and a Y chromosome?

A normal human cell containing 44 autosomes and two X chromosomes is a somatic cell of a female. The word "somatic" comes from the Greek word "soma" which means body.

What sex chromosomes belong to a normal human female?

22 autosomes and 1 X chromosome

What combination of chromosomes is a female an a male?

Normal females have XX chromosomes and normal males have XY chromosomes. I believe there are two of each in a human body and the rest are autosomes.

What chromosomes do human have 22 of?

Humans have 22 pairs of autosomes, which are chromosomes that are not involved in determining an individual's sex. Autosomes account for a total of 44 chromosomes in humans, with the remaining two chromosomes being the sex chromosomes (X and Y).

Do autosomes play a direct role in sex determination?

No. Autosomes are chromosomes with information on them about being "human".

How many does chromosomes does a person have?

there are 23 pairs of chromosomes in human body............

In addition to two sex chromosomes human have 44 other chromosomes called?
