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Q: A occurs when the government has less money because people are out of work and pay less taxes?
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Which of these occurs when the government has less money because people are out of work and pay less taxes?


Why do people make cigarette?

Because the government wants money.

How does government controls public money?

because of there is no controlling money the people will lost the money and the government will distroy and the nation will lost

Government has less money because people are out of work and pay less money?


Does Transferring money occurs when the government transfers money they collect to businesses and individuals?

Yes, the transfer of money occurs when the government transfers money it collects to businesses and individuals (in the form of subsidies, welfare, social security, etc.).

Why is a housing subsidy not enough for people to buy or build a house?

Because it is money from the government and the government is very stingy about giving money to the taxpayer.

Why is the government worried about Swine Flu?

I feel that are worried because they will lose money that we have to pay to the government. because if people start dying that means the government loses people people pay fore things like taxes.

Why is th u.s. government interseted in electric cars?

because it saves money for people and people will buy them

What government is separated between a central location and several regional locations?

because of there is no controlling money the people will lost the money and the government will distroy and the nation will lost

What is government money?

Government money is money that we spend every day at the store or anywhere but the reason it is Government money is because they control it.

Why did the government spend so much money on writing the 8 tips for eating well?

if you are refering to the us government it is because you have a shitload of fat people and that could cause the government to pump money into healthcare and nobody likes spending alot of money.

How often does deforestation occur in Africa?

Deforestation occurs because people want money and the wood market is a big money maker but you have to put roads in place and much more.