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An prokaryotic cell organism like bacteria answered by m.buallay

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Prokaryotic cell

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A prokaryote. haha

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Q: A organism such as bacterium that consists of a single cell with no nucleus is an?
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You are a single-celled organism you do not have nucleus you cause diseases in plants and animals What are you?

a bacterium

What is an organism that consists of a single cell that does not have a nucleus or a membrane bound organelles?


Is an ameoba a bacterium?

An amoeba is a single celled organism, but is not a bacterium.

Is a single celled organism bacterium?


What is a single organism without a nucleus?

it is nucleus

What is the difference between a unicellular and bacterium?

bacterium are prokaryaotic (no nucleus) while unicelluar (possessing a single cell) are eukaryotes. Although they have a nucleus, they are essentially comprised of only a single cell.

Can a single cell be an organism?

Yes, a single-cell organism is an organism, it contains a nucleus.

How many cells does a Escherichia have?

E coli is a bacterium. It is a single-celled organism. Fyi, there is also a protozoan pathogen that goes by the same name. This E. Coli is a single-celled eukaryote, which means that its DNA is inside a structure called the nucleus, in contrast to bacteria which do not have a nucleus, and are known collectively as prokaryotes. (-;

Is a bacterial cell the same as a single celled organism?

No, not quite. A bacterium is a single-celled organism, for sure, but not all single-celled organisms are bacteria.

What is the kingdom of bacteria with organized nucleous?

There is no such thing as a bacterium with a nucleus. Single-celled organisms with a nucleus are in the kingdom protista.

When can a single cell be called a organism?

A single cell can be called an organism when it is capable of carrying out all the functions of life independently. This includes activities such as metabolism, growth, response to stimuli, and reproduction. Examples of single-celled organisms that fit this definition include bacteria and some protists.

What is a single celled organism without a nuclei?

A single-celled organism without an organized nucleus is a prokaryote.