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It depends on how height the cliff is. I could figure it out if you told me how height the cliff is.

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Q: A person on a very high cliff throws a ball vertically up at an initial speed of 13.0 ms Neglect friction whats the speed at the highest point the acceleration at the highest point?
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When you jump vertically off the ground what is the acceleration at your highest?

It would be 9.81 m/s^2. Sahil Afghan

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No, the acceleration at the highest point is never 0.

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No matter what the mass of the ball is, or what direction you toss it, it has the same acceleration from the moment it leaves your hand until it hits the ground ... the acceleration due to gravity, on Earth or wherever you're playing the game, pointing down. On Earth, it's 9.8 meters (32.2 feet) per second2.

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it is at its higher at acceleration

What is its velocity at the highest point of a ball vertically upwards?

In that case, the velocity is zero.

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So far the world record is 61 inches

What is the acceleration at highest pointn when ball is thrown straight up?

The acceleration is the acceleration of gravity, downwards, or 9.8m/s/s (32 ft/s/s). When ball is thrown straight up it has an initial velocity that is decreasing because of gravity; at the highest point velocity is zero but acceleration is always constant at gravity rate.

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the higest friction is caused by a drain or any weeled vircal that may stop so sudderly and then cause enough friction to stop itself from crashing.

When a ball is thrown up what is its acceleration and velocity at the highest point?

0 zero

Does the acceleration changes direction after reaching the highest point?

No. The acceleration is a constant 9.8 m/s2 down the whole time because acceleration depends on the net force and the Earth did not change its pull.

Can a body have acceleration with zero velocity?

Yes, but only for an instant. For example, if you throw a stone up, when it is at its highest point it has a velocity of zero, but its acceleration is -9.8 m/s2. If there is acceleration, the velocity can not remain at zero.