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Q: A person should apply ice or heat when treating a venomous snakebite?
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How do you treat venomous scakebite's?

For a snakebite that you think may be venomous, you should go to the emergency room immediately, and when you get there describe the snake to the doctor. If it is a venomous snake there may be some treatments they can give you.

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What type of scorpion is venomous?

All are venomous . All scorpions should be approached \ handled with caution .

What precaution should be taken by a the caregiver treating a person with lice?

The person applying the treatment for lice should wear rubber gloves and rinse the patient's hair or body completely after use.

Are viper snakes poisonous?

Pit vipers (Crotalinae) are so named because of their characteristic loreal pits, organs on each side of their head between nostril and eye, which act as heat-detectors.They are venomous and should, like all snakes, be treated with respect and commonsense.Always assume any snake to be potentially venomous; leave it alone. Most snakebite victims are bitten when attempting to catch, kill, or in some way handle the snake.It is dangerous to decide a snake is non-venomous, or to act upon information which suggests a venomous snake is 'not very' poisonous, and therefore to treat it casually.Even experienced handlers, scientists, and other experts can get it wrong when it comes to identification, but those expert in dealing with snakes certainly know enough to be certain that one can never be entirely certain!There is no need to become paranoid about snakes; the incident of human snakebite victims is comparatively low; snakes will go quickly in the opposite direction when sensing the approach of something as large and heavy as a human.

Can a person live after snake byte?

It depends - on the circumstances of the bite. A non-venomous bite, although harmless, should still be treated with anti-septic. A venomous bite will require treatment - depending on the species of snake that inflicted the injury. Venomous bites can be as mild as a bee-sting or fatal - depending on the potency of the venom, and the quantity injected. A byte is a unit of computer memory

What should you do if you do not know whether a snake is venomous or not?

call snake control.

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trick are treating happens because it's Halloween you should go out and get candy!

How do you stop hurting your little brothers?

A person can stop hurting their little brothers by treating them with respect. This means a person should avoid any type of rough play, which may eventually cause injury.

When treating a snakebite what should you do with the affected limb to decrease spread of venom?

If you're bitten by a venomous snake:DO stay calm.DO call 911 and seek medical attention immediately.DO remove any jewelry or tight clothing from the bitten area/limb rightaway (you'll want it off before the wound and surrounding tissue startsswelling).Do NOT cut the bite site, or create any kind of tourniquet around the wound.Do NOT put ice on the bite.Do NOT try to suck the venom from the wound.Do NOT treat the site with rubbing alcohol or medication.Do NOT wait for swelling, pain or other common symptoms to manifestthemselves before going to the emergency room.

When treating the snakebite what should you do with the affected limb to decrease the spread of venom?

If you're bitten by a venomous snake:DO stay calm.DO call 911 and seek medical attention immediately.DO remove any jewelry or tight clothing from the bitten area/limb rightaway (you'll want it off before the wound and surrounding tissue startsswelling).Do NOT cut the bite site, or create any kind of tourniquet around the wound.Do NOT put ice on the bite.Do NOT try to suck the venom from the wound.Do NOT treat the site with rubbing alcohol or medication.Do NOT wait for swelling, pain or other common symptoms to manifestthemselves before going to the emergency room.

What is the difference between a poisonous animal and a venomous animal?

A poisonous animal is one you should not bite because its body has poison on it or in it.A venomous animal is one that should not bite you because it makes venom that it injects into its prey.