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2.5 miles.

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Q: A person walking 4 km covers a distance of?
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A car covers a distance of 242 km in 2.2 hours how much distance will it cover in 1 hour

How far can a person travel in 19 minutes walking at a speed of 5.0 km h?

5.0 km/h = 5.0 km/60min speed = distance/time distance = speed x time = 5.0km/60min x 19min = 1.6km

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What is the average walking distance for humans in kilometer per hour?

Ah, obviously it depends on how tall or fit the person is - or even if they are walking with someone else. On average, a person walks comfortably at approximately 5 km per hour. :)

Walking distance from Louvre to Notre-Dame?

From the Louvre Pyramid to Notre Dame cathedral, the walking distance is 1.7 km - about 20 to 25 minutes walking mostly on the banks of the Seine river.

How fast does lightyear go?

In space or in air, light covers about 186,000 miles (300,000 km) every second."Light year" is a distance ... the distance light covers in a year, at that speed.

How long is 242 km in hours?

A car covers a distance of 242 km in 2.2 hours how much distance will it cover in 1 hour

What is distance between Port Olympic and Barcelonata Beach?

Around 2 km or 1.24 miles if walking.

Average walking distance in a day?

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How far am I from the starting point if I walk 10 km north then 5 km east then 22 km south.?

Assuming you are walking on a plane, then: After walking 10 km North, followed by 5 km East followed by 10 km South you will be 5 km East of where you started. You can now continue 22 km - 10 km = 12 km further South. You now have a right angle triangle with one side 5 km, another side 12 km and the hypotenuse the unknown distance from your starting point. Distance = √((5 km)² + (12 km)²) = √(169 km²) = 13 km You are 13 km from your starting point. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- However, if you are walking on the earth, then the distance is not so easy as your starting point can affect the distance you are from your start: If you start 12 km north of the south pole, when you walk 10 km north followed by 5 km east followed by 22 km south you will end up at the south pole. Thus you are only 12 km from your starting point. If you start about 11.5 km south of the north pole, after walking 10 km north your 5 km walk east (or west) will take you to the opposite side of the north pole to which you started; by walking 22 km south you are walking down the other side of the earth, making you about 35 km from your starting point.

What is walking equivalent to swimming?

hell no ! swiming compaired to running is like comparing sprinting to walking (in a way) walking 2 km's wouldn't be that hard at all but swimming 2 km's would be extreamly hard for the average person

How long will it take to walk 8.1 km?

Without specifying a walking speed, it is impossible to convert a distance to a time.