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Q: A person who hunts for evidence buried in the ground where settlements might once have been?
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Where was the Queen of Sheba buried?

There is no evidence outside the Bible that the Queen of Sheba ever lived. And if she was not a real historical person, we can only look in the Bible for the answer. The Bible story does not say where the Queen of Sheba was buried.

How can a person be buried in the cemetery?

through a hole in the ground

Where is coin buried today on mulch island and how do you get it?

Get a solve and dig it out of the ground and when you get it you will be rich and only one person can get it and be rich.

Why do some Italians bury their loved ones in a mausoleum instead of burying them in the ground?

Because italians beleive that satan will take the soul of the dead if it is buried n the ground, but if the dead is buried in a mausoleum, the soul of the dead person will go to god.

Where a person is buried?

A person is buried in a grave in the cemetry, after a burial service.

Can a man living in Minnesota be buried in Canada?

No, its against the law to take a live person and bury them under ground. Wait until they're dead.

Can a man living in Canada be buried in the US?

No, its against the law to take a live person and bury them under ground. Wait until they're dead. Again, this answer is absurd and belittles the person who asked the question.

What are personal injury settlements used for?

Personal injury settlements are used for lawsuits alleging that the injury of the victim has been caused by another person. These settlements can be calculated in several steps.

Is raedwald buried at sutton hoo?

King Raedwald of East Anglia is thought to have died in about 624, though records on him are very scant. Some of the dates of births and deaths from this period are off by as much as ten years or more. He probably would have been buried very soon after death. One thing to mention, however, is that we do not actually know who was buried at Sutton Hoo, and the evidence that Raedwald was buried there is very inconclusive; he is just the person though to be most probably buried there.

Can wisp only talk to the person who found the lamp?

Yes. On the night that he'll be there, somewhere in your town you will find a lamp buried in the ground like a fossil. Take that to him and he'll grant you a wish :)

Where is a Torah buried?

The parchment on which the Torah text is written is properly called a Torah scroll or, in Hebrew, a Sefer Torah (sefermeans book). A Torah scroll that is damaged or worn out is treated the same as a deceased Jewish person: it is buried in a cemetery (or at least in the ground), with a burial ceremony and mourning.

What does Viatical settlements mean to life insurance?

Viatical settlements, or life settlements, are done when people have a terminal illness. In such a case, the person will sell their life insurance policy to obtain ready to use cash.