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A person who studies the planets and stars is an astrologist.

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Q: A person who studies the stars and plants is called?
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A person who stidies the stars plants and the phases of the moon?

A person who studies stars, planets and phases of the moon is called an astronomer.

What is a person that studies space called?

A person who studies space is called an astronomer. They observe and analyze celestial bodies such as planets, stars, and galaxies to better understand the universe.

A person that studies stars?

A astronomer

A scientist who studies the star?

These people are called Astronomers. Look it up in wikipedia if you want more information.

What you call a person who studies the stars?

An astronomer

Who is the person who studies about stars and planets?

An astronomer.

What is a person who studies stars as a career?

An astronomer is a person who studies stars as a career. They use telescopes and other observation methods to study the properties of stars, their formation, evolution, and behavior.

What do you call a person that studies planets and stars?

An astronomer.

What do you call a person who studies stars as a careers?


What do call a person who studies clouds?

A person who studies clouds is called a meteorologist or a cloud scientist. They study the formation, behavior, and composition of clouds to understand weather patterns and atmospheric processes.

A person who studies or work in one particular area of a subject is called a?

A person who studies the earth's structures is called a geographer. The prefix 'geo' is a Greek word that means earth or land.

One who stundies the stars is call a?

One who studies the stars is called a(n)... Astrologist