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Who treats mentally disturbed patients depends on the setting and the rate of reimbursement for services. Commonly today a psychiatrist may evaluate a patient and prescribe medication but much of the actual counseling/therapy is provided by psychiatric social workers or licensed mental health counselors or clinical psychologist or counseling psychologists.

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Q: A person who treats mental illnesses?
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How can you stop the hallucinations from mental illnesses for at least one night?

Find a specialist who treats mental illnesses and take the medication she prescribes.

What is called a person who treats illnesses?


Is mental disease is transferable?

Mental illnesses are not contageous, that is they cannot be spread from one person to another. Some mental illnesses have a genetic component which may be passed on in families.

Who was the first person to discover mental illnesses?

No one knows. This question is too general to answer.

Whom was dix speaking on behalf of ?

People who had mental illnesses 

What is the description of mental illnesses?

The term "mental illness" refers to someone who has a mental (brain) related deficiency. Some of these mental illnesses affect your mood, behavior or actions.

Is a person with good mental health free from all other illnesses?

not technically they could still get the flu or a simple cold. even if they do have good mental health.

What mental illnesses affect homeostasis?

all mental illnesses essentially affect homeostasis because they all compromise brain function

Can a disease cause mental illnesses?

Many diseases do cause mental illnesses, especially when they affect the brain. Sometimes there is a chemical imbalance in the body that can cause mental illness, too.

Does the treatment of those with mental disorders depend on culture?

yes The idea that mental disorders are treatable like any other illness is a relatively modern concept. In the past, people with mental illnesses were marginalized and cut off from society. Some were even used to experiment on. In cultures which the idea of treating mental illnesses is not prominent, they will often simply cut the person out. Also, in religious cultures, mental illnesses can be said to be caused by the devil, so prayer would be used.

Why does unemployment cause illnesses?

I don't think that it causes illnesses but mostly mental deseases..

Mental exertion means?

it means mental illnesses or going coo koo