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Q: A plane traveling at 80 ms lands on a runway and comes to?
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A plane traveling at 80 ms lands on a runway and comes to rest after 10 seconds what was the distance it traveled down the runway before it stopped?

The distance the plane traveled before stopping can be calculated by using the formula: distance = initial velocity * time + (1/2) * acceleration * time^2. Given initial velocity 80 m/s and time 10 seconds, and assuming acceleration is 0 m/s^2 (since the plane comes to rest), the distance traveled would be 800 meters.

What is the difference between a taxiway and a runway?

The taxiways are ground paths that planes drive along (taxi) to go from the terminal to the runway or vice versa. A runway is where a plane takes off or lands.

A plane traveling at 80 ms lands on a runway and comes to rest after 10 seconds What was the plane's deceleration?

The plane's deceleration can be calculated using the equation: acceleration = change in velocity / time taken. The plane's initial velocity is 80 m/s, final velocity is 0 m/s, and time taken is 10 seconds. Therefore, the deceleration is 8 m/s^2.

Who lands airplanes control tower or ground control?

Air control lands the plane. They also take the plane off, and pretty much get the plane from point A to B. As soon as they land and turn off the runway, Air control hands them off to ground control which brings them to the gate and from the gate to runway for take off again...

What do planes do when they call for emergency landing?

air traffic calls the emergency forces and set them to the runway then the plane lands with terror.

How does a space shuttle get to space and back to earth?

The Space Shuttle lands like a plane. When it gets to earth, there is a runway and it will land smoothly on the ground.

What is the motion of space shuttle?

The shuttle is launched like a spacecraft, flies in space , earth orbit, but it lands like a plane on the runway, it is usable spacecraft.

How a plane lands?

They line up with the runway from a few miles out, lower the undercarriage (wheels) then keep descending slowly as they approach the runway, dropping the flaps to keep lift as they slow down more, they finally touch the earth.

A plane traveling at 80ms lands on a runway and comes to rest after 10 seconds what was the distance it traveled down the runway before it stopped?

Original Answer: 400 m/sThis answer is a speed, not a distance.You cannot determine what the distance traveled was since the speed is presumably decreasing for the entire manoeuvre. The best you could do is estimate the distance to be 400 metres. There is insufficient information to do otherwise.For example, if the plane touched down at a speed of 80m/s and didn't change speed until it ran into a wall 10 seconds later, it would have travelled 800m. Of course that would be "coming to a FINAL rest"... :-)

Why can't a space shuttle use a runway like a plane?

For takeoff, it requires so much thrust to get it off the ground that if it used a regular runway, it would need something like 5 miles behind it to avoid damage. So they make it take off vertically to avoid that. A space shuttle lands on a regular (but slightly longer) runway just like a plane.

What carries a plane to the runway?

No one actually "carries" a plane to the runway or to the "takeoff zone". But there are those men who wear ear plugs and glasses and also look so microscopic and they conduct the planes to the runway.

Why are space shuttles shapped like an airplane?

It is shaped like a airplane as it flies like a rocket in space, but it lands like a plane on a runway , usually Edward air force base.