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The Space Shuttle lands like a plane. When it gets to earth, there is a runway and it will land smoothly on the ground.

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A space shuttle is launched using rocket boosters and liquid fuel engines to reach space. Once in space, it orbits the Earth until it has completed its mission, after which it re-enters the Earth's atmosphere, gliding back to Earth using its aerodynamic shape and heat shield to protect it during re-entry. Finally, it lands like a plane on a runway.

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Q: How does a space shuttle get to space and back to earth?
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Which part of the space craft came back to earth?

The space shuttle.

Why did Americans invent the space shuttle?

THe American's built the space shuttle to have a reusable rocket that could go out into space and come back to earth.

Whats shuttle run?

A trip from Earth to some orbit in space, and back to Earth.

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the enterprise was not a space shuttle it was justa a prototype launched off the back of a plane to see how good it could glide back to earth.

How long space shuttle takes to back earth from international space station?

5 mins

What happens when a space shuttle leaves your atmosphere?

It will go to space and come back to earth in 2 years.

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The space shuttle that exploded in 2003 while re-entering Earth's atmosphere was the Space Shuttle Columbia. The tragedy resulted in the loss of all seven crew members on board.

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It is transported on the back of a Boeing 747 when it has to fly on Earth.

What date did the first space shuttle land back on earth?

April 14th, 1981.

Why are space shuttles called shuttles?

Space shuttles are called shuttles because they are designed to transport astronauts and cargo between Earth and space in a back-and-forth manner, resembling the shuttle-like movements. They can "shuttle" back and forth multiple times, unlike one-time-use rockets.