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Because if it didn't the leaves on the side not getting as much sunlight would not be able to photosynthesize as easily, where as if you turn it then each area of the plant will get as much access to the sunlight in order to carry out photosynthesis, providing you water it that is.

NOTE: Plants only ever have one stem - the long bit in the middle that holds it all together i.e is attached to the roots so is firmly planted in the ground, keeps the flower and leaves on too. The leaves are main parts in the ability to live for the plant as they contain chloroplasts in order for the plant to grow.

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3mo ago

Rotating the plant daily will encourage the stems to grow straighter as they will bend towards the light. By rotating the plant, all sides of the plant will receive equal light exposure, promoting even growth.

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14y ago

It will make the stem GROW crooked.

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Q: A potted plant is growing on a window sill in bright light The plant is rotated one-half turn each morning How would this turning affect the way the plant's stems grow?
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A plant turning toward sunlight is what kind of response?

This behavior is known as phototropism, which is the plant's response to light by growing towards it. It helps the plant maximize its exposure to sunlight for photosynthesis.

Is tropism the movement of a plant towards or away from a stimulus?

Yes, that's correct. Tropism is the growth or turning movement of a plant in response to a stimulus such as light, gravity, or touch. Plants can exhibit positive tropism by growing towards a stimulus or negative tropism by growing away from a stimulus.

What is levorotation of uterus?

Levorotation of the uterus refers to a position where the uterus is rotated towards the left side of the body. This can occur due to various reasons such as pelvic adhesions, endometriosis, or uterine fibroids. Levorotation of the uterus may lead to symptoms like pelvic pain, irregular menstrual cycles, or infertility.

What kind of tropism is any movement or growth of a living organism in response to the force of gravity?

Geotropism is the tropism that describes the movement or growth of a living organism in response to gravity, such as the roots of plants growing downward in the soil and the stems of plants growing upward against gravity.

What is the process of turning glucose to glycogen?

Glucose is converted to glycogen through a process called glycogenesis. In this process, glucose molecules are added to a growing glycogen chain by the enzyme glycogen synthase, utilizing UDP-glucose as a substrate. This conversion primarily occurs in the liver and muscles to store excess glucose for later use as an energy source.

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