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Q: A preconceived judgment or opinion about a person or group of people based on their membership in a distinct group often ethnic or racial the preconceived opinion is usually without merit?
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What is a preconceived opinion that is a formed without a rational basis or with insufficient knowledge?


What is a preconceived opinion that is formed without rational basis or with insufficient knowledge?


What is a preconceived opinion that is formed without a rational basis or with insufficient knowledge?


Is bias an opinion that favors one point of view?

Bias is a tendency to lean towards or against a particular perspective, based on personal beliefs or experiences. It involves preconceived notions that can influence judgment, often leading to unfair treatment or assessment.

What is the origin of the word prejudice?

The word prejudice is circa 1290, from Old French prejudice (13 century), from Medieval Latin prejudicium "injustice," from Latin præjudicium"prior judgment," from præ- "before" + judicium"judgment," from judex (genitive judicis) "judge." The notion is of "preconceived opinion;" the verb meaning "to affect or fill with prejudice" is from 1610.

What does the very core of prejudice mean?

At its core, prejudice is a preconceived opinion or judgment about a person or group that is not based on reason or actual experience. It often involves negative feelings or attitudes towards individuals solely because they belong to a certain group, such as race, religion, or gender.

What does bias data mean?

a particular tendency, trend, inclination, feeling, or opinion, especially one that is preconceived or unreasoned

How can prejudice be defined?

A preconceived judgment or opinion formed without sufficient knowledge of that which is being judged.Definition: Prejudice is a baseless and usually negative attitude toward members of a group. Common features of prejudice include negative feelings, stereotyped beliefs, and a tendency to discriminate against members of the group

What is the meaning of deem?

To decide; to judge; to sentence; to condemn., To account; to esteem; to think; to judge; to hold in opinion; to regard., To be of opinion; to think; to estimate; to opine; to suppose., To pass judgment., Opinion; judgment.