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A presidential election is won by the candidate who receives a majority of the electoral votes in the U.S. Electoral College.

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A presidential election is won by candidates who?

A presidential election is won by the candidate who receives a majority of the electoral votes in the U.S. Electoral College.

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Presidential candidate Abraham Lincoln won the state of Michigan during the 1860 presidential election. Lincoln won most of the Midwest and northern states.

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Yes. Clinton won the election that year.

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George W.Bush,the 2000 republican presidential candidate won the presidential election of 2000.

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No. Democratic Party candidate James Buchanan won the 1856 presidential election. Buchanan won 19 states including all of the southern states. The southern states seceded after Republican Party candidate Abraham Lincoln won the 1860 presidential election.

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Democratic Party candidate James Buchanan won the 1856 presidential election defeating Republican Party candidate John Freemont.

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Democratic Party candidate Harry Truman won the 1948 presidential election defeating Republican Party candidate Thomas Dewey.

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Richard Nixon, Hubert Humphrey, and George Wallace were the presidential candidates in 1968. Republican candidate Richard Nixon won the election.

Who won the United States Presidential election in 1808?

The 1808 US Presidential Election was contested between Democratic-Republican candidate James Madison, and Federalist candidate Charles Cotesworth Pinckney. Madison won the election with 122 electoral votes to Pinckney's 47.