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A rainbow forms when sunlight shines on water in the atmosphere.

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Q: A rainbow forms when sunlight shines on water in what?
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When sunlight is dispersed and reflected by water droplets a what forms?

a rainbow!

What forms when sunlight is separated into colors by tiny droplets of water in the air?

A rainbow

True or false A rainbow is a spectrum of light that appears when the sun shines onto water droplets in the air?

True, or more correctly, when the sunlight is refracted through the water droplets.

Why can a sunlight form a rainbow?

The sunlight has to be refracted by water drops in order for the sunlight to form a rainbow.

How does white and water make a rainbow?

The water acts like a prism and white light shines through it, it makes a rainbow.

What colors make up light white?

White Light is actually made up of all the colours in a rainbow, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo & purple. An example is easy to see in a rainbow. Sunlight is white light. when it shines into water droplets in the atmosphere the colours of the light is split & forms a spectrum of colour.

How does a rainbow get its colours?

Right after a thunderstorm, there will still be some water droplets in the sky. When the sunlight shines on these water droplets, the white light that is reflected off the water droplets is split into seven different colours: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, indigo.

Why don't you see a rainbow when the day is dry?

You can't see a rainbow when the day is dry and only after it rains because when the sun starts coming out and its still raining, the sun shines on the water and just like a mirror the sunlight shines and bounces off making a rainbow like it had been painted by God in the sky. That is why you can't see rainbows when the sun is shining and with no rain.

How is a rainbow formed after a rain shower?

The light shines through the water

What process makes a rainbow after a rain storm?

the water droplets after the rain remains in the atmosphere. When the sunlight passes through this droplets the white light of the sun splits in to 7 colors this colors forms the rainbow

Who created the rainbow?

After a rain, rainbow is created when sunlight refracts millions of droplets of water. No one created the rainbow.

What makes the rainbow shine?

sunlight reflects through the water (rain) and produces the colours of the (rainbow)