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Q: A region in Canada has very cold winters with hot dry summers?
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What is th climate of the northern region of Canada?

Arctic and Sub-Arctic. Long cold winters, short cool summers.

What is the climate of the appalacian region of Georgia?

Warm And Humid Summers And Cold Winters.

What is the weather like in the northeast region?

the weather in the northeast is hot summers and cold winters

What is the climate in the Midwest Region?

The Region we live in today has the climate of warm summers, cold winters, moderate falls, and very cold winters. The Midwest Region also has a a humid and continetal climate.

What is characterized by long winters and short cold summers?

This is characterized by long winters and short cold summers

Long cold winters and short warm summers?

A+LS = Arctic Northern Canada, the arctic.

Which climate zone tends to have cold winters and warm summers?

Temperate climates have cold winters and warm summers.

What is a polar climate region with a short cool summers and bitterly cold winters called?


What has long cold winters and short cool summers?

A region with long cold winters and short cool summers is typically found in polar or subarctic climates. These regions are characterized by extended periods of cold weather, with temperatures consistently below freezing in winter and short mild summers with temperatures rarely exceeding 60°F.

What is the climate for Auschwitz?

It has a continental climate with cold winters and hot summers.

Where do cities have cold winters and mild summers?

Cities that have cold winters and mild summers are typically found in regions with a continental climate. Examples include cities in the northern United States, Canada, and parts of Europe like Moscow, Chicago, and Stockholm. These cities experience distinct seasons with cold, snowy winters and warm, but not excessively hot, summers.