

A religious belief based on reason?

Updated: 4/27/2024
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7y ago

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Unless you are stating that to believe X is ipso facto un-reasonable, you are not stating anything. Or does the word 'philosophy' in religious philosophy implicitly mean that revelation is not allowed ? That would be -- to me -- unreasonable.

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One example of a religious belief based on reason is Deism, which holds that a higher power created the universe but does not intervene in human affairs. Deists often rely on rationality and natural theology to support their beliefs, rather than relying solely on faith or religious texts.

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What is secular belief?

Secular beliefs are based on non-religious principles and morality, focusing on reason and evidence rather than faith or religious teachings. Secularism promotes the separation of religion and state, and often values scientific explanation and critical thinking.

Iconoclasm means the what of images based on religious beliefs?

Iconoclasm means the destruction or rejection of religious images or icons based on religious beliefs. It is often carried out as part of religious reform or as a response to the belief that the images are idolatrous.

Is religious faith opposed to reason?

Not necessarily. Although faith and reason represent different ways of knowing and understanding the world, they are not inherently opposed. Many religious traditions value both faith and reason as important components of belief and understanding.

What is the difference between traditional and secular-rational values?

Traditional values focus on preserving traditional practices, social norms, and institutions, often based on religious beliefs. Secular-rational values prioritize rationality, science, and individualism, often challenging traditional belief systems and advocating for progress and change based on reason and evidence.

What is the definition for secular movement?

A secular movement is a social or political movement that advocates for the separation of religion and government, as well as the promotion of secular principles in society. It seeks to ensure that government decisions are based on reason and evidence rather than religious beliefs.

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Iconoclasm means the destruction or rejection of religious images or icons based on religious beliefs. It is often carried out as part of religious reform or as a response to the belief that the images are idolatrous.

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