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Q: What is a system of religious belief based on a strict interpretation of the bible?
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Fundamentalist theocracy is a form of government where religious leaders or institutions hold ultimate authority, and laws are based on a strict interpretation of religious texts. This system often limits individual freedoms and rights, as well as restricts the role of secular institutions in governance. Examples include the Taliban regime in Afghanistan and the Islamic Republic of Iran.

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There is no evidence that any religious, spiritual or philosophical belief system is complete within itself. Much of it has to do with belief in oneself and faith in the system they are choosing to follow.

My husband is an ex jehovah's will he ever go back?

People can change their religious faith off and on or find the one they are with is not suited to their belief system and will either stray from a belief system or change to another religious belief. Generally when a person leaves Jehovah Witness' they seldom go back, but each individual is different. Religion is a private issue and your husband should feel free to choose his own belief system. Two people can live in the same house; respect each others different religious faith and agree to disagree.

How does Darwin's theory of evolution contradict religion?

Evolution does not contradict religion itself. It contradicts the interpretation of a religious text as a literal description of biology. By the same token, the solar system contradicts the interpretation of religious text as meaning the Earth is the center of the Universe.

Who is religious?

Anyone who has a spiritual belief system structured upon specific definitions pertaining to the nature of God and existence.

What is a belief system?

A religious belief system is a person's foundation of thought held and actively practised as their world view; based upon the belief of a supreme being of revelation, not of human manipulation. It governs one's personal behaviors and thoughts, regardless of consequences; it has as its overarching aim to reveal to the holder and those with whom they interact, with what the Creator God's (big G intended) vision is in human personal behavior within all things philosophical, physiological, mental, emotional, political, cultural, and relationally. To define one's thoughts, positions, values, and character as a disciple or follower of their worldview is the proof of such a system. It is not a coat or cover of connivance, but a belief not to be removed, compromised, or devalued, when even personal demands or needs, cultural reasoning, or norms appear or seems to appear as sound and suitable. but in opposition to one's religious belief system. A religious belief system directs all things in one's life, without subjection to the human need to always be happy, or live completely and continuously in some state of joy. A religious belief system requires by its very exist, personal sacrifice.

What is true of a secular activity?

A secular activity is not tied to any specific religion or belief system. It is typically characterized by being non-religious or not associated with religious practices or beliefs.

What is meaning of the word secular?

Secular refers to things that are not religious or spiritual in nature, or that are not connected to a particular religious belief system. It can also refer to the separation of religion and government in a society.