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This is your math problem that you are supposed to solve! You are supposed to use the formula, the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sums of the squares of the other two sides. What is your hypotenuse? It is the 32 meter long rope. Then the distance from the flagpole to the end of the rope is 12 meters. So if you take the 32 meter hypotenuse and square it. And then you can take the 12 and square it. Then you can subtract the length of the end of the rope out from the flag pole squared from the length of the rope or hypotenuse squared and have the length of the flagpole squared. Now do your math.

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Q: A rope 32 m long is attached to the top of a flagpole The rope reaches a place on the ground 12 m from the base of the pole How many meters high is the flagpole?
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