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Scientific law

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Q: A scientific fact that has been proven by experimentation over a long period of time is a?
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Why is the law of gravity a scientific law- not a scientific theory?

In general, a scientific theory is a proposed explanation that has not been fully proven yet, while a law is a theory that has been proven to be true by lots of experimentation. The theory of Gravity has been tested and shown to be correct so much that it is at this point clearly a scientific law.

How would you distinguish a scientific theory from from a scientific law?

A scientific law is something that has been proved again and again under experimentation, and is always true. A scientific theory is an educated guess made based off of a group of data that is not proven to be true. For example, Newton's Laws are scientific laws since they have been proven to be always true. The theory of gravity is a scientific theory because gravity itself has not been completely proven to exist.

What is the meaning of impircal?

An alternate spelling of the word empircal. In the case of evidence, it is evidence that has been proven true over and over (replicable) using the scientific method - observation, experimentation, analysis.

How would you distinguish a scientific theory from a scientific law-?

A scientific theory is accepted as factual even though it hasn't been proven. A scientific law has been proven as fact.

How is a scientific law unlike unlike a scientific theory?

scientific law is unlike a scientific theory in a sense that its the next step above a scientific theory.A scientific law is one that has been proven, a scientific theory has not been proven yet.

What is information that can be proven true?

Proven true information is factual data or evidence that has been verified through reliable sources, research, or experimentation. This information can be backed up by concrete evidence, logical reasoning, and consensus within the relevant scientific or academic community.

How is Hypothesis different from scientific law?

A hypothesis is a guess when a scientific law has been answered and proven.

Is a theory that has been proven and is widely accepted in the scientific community?


Compare how scientists use theories with how they use laws?

BASIC ANSWER>! Scientific law is proven (for the most part) and scientific theory is not proven yet."However scientific law is a law that cannot be broken and scientific theory is an attempt to explain a pattern or a rule repeadetly observed in nature".

When and why do scientists discard scientific theory?

Scientific theorums are normally discarded after they have been proven to be wrong after a series of testing to verify if the theory was correct or not. Scientific theorums can take years, sometimes decades to be proven to be correct or incorrect.

What is the comparison between scientific law and scientific theory?

A scientific law describes a consistent pattern or relationship in nature that has been observed and confirmed through experimentation. A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that is based on a body of evidence and has withstood multiple tests and scrutiny. The main difference is that a law describes what happens, while a theory explains why it happens.

What is an idea that explains something based on scientific information but has not yet been proven is a?
