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Edward Jenner (1745)-(1823) he was an English doctor who discovered a way of preventing the smallpox and in doing so, developed the start of vaccination...

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Q: A scientist that discovered and develop the way of preventing smallpox through vaccination?
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Related questions

What was edward Jenner's accomplishment?

He discovered a vaccination for the smallpox

What particularly important achievement did Edward Jenner make?

He had discovered a cure for SMALLPOX which was called Smallpox vaccine... had tested the vaccination on a person called James Phipps .

Where did the first scientist discover smallpox?

The first scientist discovered smallpox in an Egyptian mummy dating back to 1157 B.C. This first scientist was Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi.

What cure smallpox?

A vaccination.

Can someone refuse vaccination for smallpox?


Who introduced vaccination for smallpox?

Edward Jenner

What are scientists doing or using smallpox for?

The treatment for smallpox was to get a vaccination.

How was the smallpox virus wiped out?

The use of aggressive vaccination.

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When did vaccination start in the United States for smallpox?


Why is smallpox now an extinct illness?

Because of vaccination programme