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Potentially explosive. Think about it for at least a few moments at the risk of hurting someone's feelings. It is best used when you really know the person.

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15y ago
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15y ago

The state of being sincere and open speech

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12y ago

With surprising candor and honesty, she shared intimate details of her life during a TV interview with Oprah.

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9y ago

Operation Condor is a campaign that focused on political repression and terror that involved intelligence operations and the assassination of opponents. It was active in the 70s and 80s.

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11y ago

you mean what you mean

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lilyjean crawford

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10y ago

Candor is a noun.

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Q: A sentence with the word candor?
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What is a sentence with the word candor in it?

She appreciated his candor when he admitted his mistake without hesitation.

What is a sentence using the word candor?

The word "candor" is to have unreserved, honest, or sincere expressions. That is, a truthful, honest opinion or statement about something. "He described capitalism and expressed his dislike with candor."

Can you give me a sentence with the word infectious in it please?

I hope that your candor is as infectious as your smile!

What sentence use candor?

Candor is the quality of being open and honest. Example sentence: He was a man of refreshing candor because he didn't hesitate to tell me the truth when I asked him his opinion.

What is a good sentence with the word rely?

I can always rely on your candor! Let's rely on time, as it will always tell.

How you can use the word favorable in a sentence?

, Thank you for your e-mail reply and candor. Your application met with favorable remarks from all the judges.

A antonym for the word candor?


Is I appreciate your candor the right use of the word?

Yes: "I appreciate your candor and honesty." Straight forwardness or direct.

How would use candor in a sentence?

What appealed to the voters in this election was that one candidate had distanced himself from the noise of name calling and mud-slinging and had described himself with a openness, honesty and frankness that was surprising given that politicians are not generally known for their candor or truthfulness.

What is a synonym of the word integrity?

Honor, uprightness, candor, forthrightness, principle, virtue, incorruptibility.

Where is the Candor Free Library in Candor located?

The address of the Candor Free Library is: 2 Bank Street, Candor, 13743 0104

Where is the Candor Historical Society in Candor North Carolina located?

The address of the Candor Historical Society is: Po Box 220, Candor, NC 27229-0220