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Absolutely not. An alcoholic craves alcohol. A serial killer craves power. Some serial killers abuse alcohol and/or drugs but most do not.

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Q: A serial killer and an alcoholic are the same right?
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== == IMDb link:

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What made Jack the Ripper be a serial killer?

The 'making' of a serial killer is a very complex process that is not fully understood at this time. It is thought though that it is a combination of genetics and environment, or the 'nature and nurture' theory. Rarely, a person may have a certain genetic predisposition and when combined with the exact right environment, especially at a young age, the result could be what we know as a serial killer. The best examples of this would be killers Jeffrey Dahmer and Aileen Wuornos. Dahmer's father confessed to having violent fantasies as a young man. These types of fantasies are what drive these killers to kill over and over. This trait in his father almost certainly predisposed Jeffrey to the same thing. Then when mixed with environmental factors, the result was a serial killer. Wuornos had strong genetic ties to violence. Although they had never met, her biological father was also a killer and a pedophile. She was raised by her maternal grandparents after being abandoned by her teenaged mother, and was subject to untold abuse at the grandfather's hands. So the combination of her strong predisposition to violence and the abusive grandfather, once again, the result was a killer. The FBI's Behavioral Science Unit has been studing serial killers for over three decades and have made great strides in the understanding of this rare type of killer, but there is still much they don't understand. Until a time when the reasons are fully understood, they have little chance of preventing serial murder.

Is orca a killer whale?

Yes, an orca and a killer whale are the same mammal.

What prompts serial killers to kill?

Much is still unknown about these kinds of killers. What is clear though is the killer's need for power and control. Most are sexually motivated, where violence and sex are one and the same.

What was the numeric clue left by the killer in movie Blood Work?

The serial killer gave a clue to his name by leaving the same numerals in various sequences at each crime scene, such as 305428796. The young boy in the movie pointed out that the sequence did not have the numeral "1" in it, hence "no one." When you put the two words together, you get noone. The killer's name is Jasper 'Buddy' Noone.