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Q: A signal has a fundamental frequency of 1000HZ What is its period?
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The pitch period of a signal is the fundamental period of the signal, or in other words, the time interval on which the signal repeats itself. The pitch frequency is the inverse of the pitch period, which is the fundamental frequency of the signal.

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A signal has a fundamental frequency of 1000 Hz what is its period?

The period is the duration of one cycle in a repeating event, so the period T is the reciprocal of the frequency f. T = 1 / f. The period is 0.001 second, that is 1 millisecond.

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What is the period of a 1000 Hz signal?

The period of a 1000 Hz signal is the time it takes to complete one cycle or revolution of the signal. The formula to calculate the period from the frequency is: T=frac1f where T is the period in seconds and f is the frequency in Hertz. Plugging in the given frequency of 1000 Hz, we get: T=frac11000 T=0.001 Therefore, the period of a 1000 Hz signal is 0.001 seconds or 1 millisecond. This means that one cycle of the signal repeats every 1 millisecond. You can also use this online calculator to convert between frequency and period.

Why sinusoidal signal is called basic signal?

The sinusoidal signal is called a basic signal because, by Fourier Analysis, you can not further reduce it. It is one sine wave of one frequency of one amplitude of one phase. It has no harmonics. If you converted it from time domain to frequency domain you would only get one line, at the fundamental frequency.

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The time it takes to complete one cycle of a signal is known as?

The time it takes to complete one cycle of a signal is called one period. For example, if the signal has a frequency of one hertz (one cycle per second), the period would be 1 second. A two hertz frequency would mean a ½ second period, or ½ second to complete one cycle.