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Aneuploidy: Is when an uncomplete gamete unites with a complete gamete to form an unequal value of chromosomes in the zygote. There are two forms that may exist in aneuploidy, Trisomic (2n+1) and monosomic (2n-1).

An aneuploid individual has either too many or too few chromosomes, usually as a result of nondisjunction.

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6mo ago

A situation in which the chromosome number can be represented as either 2n plus 1 or 2n-1 is called aneuploidy. Aneuploidy refers to an abnormal number of chromosomes, either an extra or a missing chromosome, compared to the normal diploid number. This can lead to genetic disorders and developmental abnormalities.

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Q: A situation in which chromosome number can be represented as either 2n plus 1 or 2n-1 is called?
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