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Q: A substance that will not become a gas under existing conditions?
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Substance that cannot be changed into a simpler substance under normal laboratory conditions?

Substance that cannot be changed into a simpler substance under normal laboratory conditions are elements. A physical blend of two or more substances that are not chemically combined is a mixture.

Under what conditions does a substance change state?

It depends on the substance. Some melt when heated (ice), some evaporate under heat (water) and some become solid when chilled (water into ice). It would be called their melting point, the freezing point and the evaporating point.

What common substance can be found in all three physical stateses under various atmospheric conditions?

This substance is water.

A substance that enables a chemical reaction to proceed under different conditions?


When one substance is dissolved as much as possible in another substance under given conditions the combination is called a?

saturated solution

Why vapour are same as gas?

Vapour and gas are not same.A substance which under ordinary conditions is a solid or a liquid,but under specific conditions is gaseous is called a vapour. For example,water vapour,sulphur vapour,etc. However, a substance which under ordinary conditions is gaseous ,is called a gas. for example,Oxygen,Nitrogen,etc

When is a substance in the gaseous phase called a vapor?

when a substance exists as a liquid or solid under ordinary conditions its gaseous phase is called a vapor

What is the word for any substance that conducts electricity under certain conditions?

This material is an electrical conductor.

Anything which occupies space has substance and under ordinary conditions cannot be created or destroyed?


Certain material can become superconductors under what conditions?

when it is very cold(:

What does Limestone under certain conditions may undergo a metamorphosis?

"Limestone, under certain conditions, may become marble". -Getis Introduction to Geography.

Minerals originate from what substance?

Combining elements from saturated fluids under various conditions of heat and pressure.