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Latent heat from evaporated ocean water

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Q: A tropical cyclone is a weather event that causes strong winds and heavy rainfall What is the source of energy for a tropical cyclone?
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How does coriolis effect affect the cyclone?

The Coriolis force is required for a cyclone to form into a tropical cyclone or hurricane. The force causes a greater deflection of the air (right in the northern hemisphere and left in the southern) and the correct speeds for the tropical cyclone to form. Hence why tropical cyclones do not form at or within 5 degrees of the equator, and cease to exist at around 35 degrees north, or 15 degrees south.

Annual rainfall of rainforests?

Rainforests get their name from the fact that these places naturally get a lot of rain. this causes thick, lush vegetation and a humid climate. The average annual rainfall in a tropical rainforest is just over 98 inches per year.

When do tropical storms form?

Tropical storms form when the weather system creates heat which powers the storm causing winds to increase. They rely on plenty of warm, moist air from the sea. This causes the spinning to start.

What effects causes flooding?


What type of wheather is associated with cyclones?

Cyclones are not caused by bad weather, but by normal weather patterns in the oceans. Warm tropical moisture bearing clouds develop over open oceans or seas, but a requirement is that the ocean temperature is above 25 degrees Celsius. There is no wind shearing in the higher parts of the atmosphere, creating ideal conditions for cyclone development. Perfectly normal thunderstorms clump together. As the system gets larger, the pressure falls within it, resulting in the classic clickwise rotation of winds in the southern hemisphere, or anti-clockwise in the northern hemisphere.

Related questions

How does coriolis effect affect the cyclone?

The Coriolis force is required for a cyclone to form into a tropical cyclone or hurricane. The force causes a greater deflection of the air (right in the northern hemisphere and left in the southern) and the correct speeds for the tropical cyclone to form. Hence why tropical cyclones do not form at or within 5 degrees of the equator, and cease to exist at around 35 degrees north, or 15 degrees south.

What causes the greatest loss of life and property when a tropical cyclone reaches land?

The greatest loss of life is usually the result of flooding.

How is southeast Asia's vegetation unique?

Vegetation in Southeast Asia is mainly tropical-hot and humid all year round with plentiful rainfall. It has a wet/dry season caused by seasonal shift in winds or monsoon. The tropical rain belt causes additional rainfall during the monsoon season

What weather front causes hurricanes?

None. Hurricanes are tropical systems that are not associated with fronts.

What are three possible causes of floods?

Flooding occurs most commonly from heavy rainfall when natural watercourses do not have the capacity to convey excess water. However, floods are not always caused by heavy rainfall. They can result from other phenomena, particularly in coastal areas where inundation can be caused by a storm surge associated with a tropical cyclone, a tsunami or a high tide coinciding with higher than normal river levels. Dam failure, triggered for example by an earthquake, will result in flooding of the downstream area, even in dry weather conditions.Volume, spatial distribution, intensity and duration of rainfall over a catchment the capacity of the watercourse or stream network to convey runoff catchment and weather conditions prior to a rainfall event ground cover topography tidal influences. By:Britany Johnson 10 years old

Why does does a cyclone bring stormy weather?


What does drought mean and what causes it?

A drought is an extended period of significantly below average precipitation in a region. NO, drought is a shortage of rainfall or dry weather!!!!!!!

Annual rainfall of rainforests?

Rainforests get their name from the fact that these places naturally get a lot of rain. this causes thick, lush vegetation and a humid climate. The average annual rainfall in a tropical rainforest is just over 98 inches per year.

Why is convectional rainfall very common in tropical areas?

The large amount of heat the tropics get from the sun often causes the atmosphere to be come convectively unstable, causing frequent thunderstorms.

How do streams and rivers change continuously?

Erosion from the continuous movement of the water causes most changes. The weather, such as drought and rainfall, also contribute to many changes.

What effects causes flooding?


When do tropical storms form?

Tropical storms form when the weather system creates heat which powers the storm causing winds to increase. They rely on plenty of warm, moist air from the sea. This causes the spinning to start.