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Q: A type of battery that changes chemical energy to electrical energy in a nonliquid material?
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What energy do batteries give?

electrical, chemical, heat, and light energy

Which of the following energy conversion occurs inside in a battery electrical to chemical thermal to electrical or thermal to chemical?

None of them Chemical energy stored in the battery is converted into Electrical (with some heat / thermal 'wasted'). However if you recharge a battery you would get electrical to Chemical.

What happens after chemical energy from a battery turns into electrical energy?

The electrical energy provides power. When the chemical energy is depleted, the battery will not longer generate electrical energy.

Is a battery chemical mechanical or nuclear?

A battery is chemical energy creating electrical energy. Nuclear is cause by nuclear material either decaying or undergoing fusion, only present in nuclear material. Mechanical energy is a physical force cause by the transfer of kinetic energy.

What device can turn electrical energy into chemical energy?

A rechargeable battery. (The battery in your cellphone, or the one in your car.) When it's empty, you connect it to a source of electrical energy. The battery stores the electrical in the form of chemical.

A battery converts chemical energy to?

In a battery, the energy transformation is: chemical energy -----> electrical energy.

Is a battery nuclear chemical or mechanical energy?

A battery is chemical energy creating electrical energy. Nuclear is cause by nuclear material either decaying or undergoing fusion, only present in nuclear material. Mechanical energy is a physical force cause by the transfer of kinetic energy.

What is a form of energy that travels from a battery?

chemical energy

Physics principle of the battery invention?

Chemical energy in the battery is turned into electrical energy when the battery is hooked up to an electrical circuit.

Chemical energy is converted to Electrical energy in an?


What type of energy comes out of a battery?

Electrical and chemical

What does a battery create?

Electrical energy out of chemical energy.