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Q: A type of mixture in which one substance is dissolved into another?
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What is a type of mixture in which one substance is dissolved in another?

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What type of mixture is formed when one substance is dissolved in another and the resulting mixturehas the same properties throughout?


What is a type of mixture in which one substance is dissolved into another?

This would be called a homogeneous mixture or a solution

What type of mixture is formed when one substance dissolves into another?

A solution is formed when one substance dissolves into another. In a solution, the solute particles are uniformly distributed and are not visible to the naked eye, creating a homogeneous mixture.

Which type of mixture is formed when one substance dissolved into another fills the space between other kinds of molecules?

Homogeneous solution

Colloid in foods?

Colloids in foods refer to mixtures where particles are suspended within another substance. Common examples include mayonnaise, whipped cream, and gelatin desserts. These colloids give certain foods their unique textures and properties.

Is sea water mixture or pure substance?

It is a mixture. A pure substance contains only one type of substance or one species of any substance or element. Sea water is a mixture of different salts dissolved in water. Thus, it is not a pure substance. Another point is that the different components of sea water can be observed separately.

What are collides?

A colloid is a type of homogeneous mixture. In this type of mixture, one substance is divided into insoluble particles and dispersed into another substance.

Is a solution a part of mixture?

A solution is simply a type of homogenous mixture. There are three common types of homogenous mixtures: suspension mixtures, colloids, and solutions. A solution consists of the smallest particles of these three, and those particles are dissolved in a liquid. The substance that dissolves is called the solute, and the substance in which they are dissolved is called the solvent. So a solution is a type of mixture, not a part.

What is a collid in chemistry?

A collid in chemistry refers to a mixture where particles are suspended in a liquid medium, such as a sol, gel, or emulsion. These mixtures have particles that are larger than those in a solution but smaller than those in a suspension. The particles in a colloid do not settle out over time due to Brownian motion.

When borax is dissolved in water what type of mixture is created?

When borax is dissolved in water, it creates a homogeneous mixture known as a solution. This means that the borax molecules are evenly distributed throughout the water, forming a single phase.

What type of mixture is salt dissolved in water?

Salt dissolved in water forms a homogeneous mixture called a solution. In a solution, the salt particles mix evenly with the water molecules to create a single phase.