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Acting or pretending.

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Q: A verb phrase for ellen in Number the Stars book?
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What color eyes did Ellen have in the book Number the Stars by Lois Lowry?

Ellen in the book "Number the Stars" by Lois Lowry had dark brown eyes.

How old is Ellen Rosen in Number the Stars?

Ellen Rosen is 10 years old in the book "Number the Stars" by Lois Lowry.

How would you describe Ellen in the beginning of the book Number the Stars?

Short and stocky.

Where can you find a drawing or picture of Ellen from the book Number the Stars?

g v

What kind of color is Ellen Rosen's hair in Number the Stars?

Annemarie had blonde hair in the book Number the stars

What does Ellen say that the mother is afraid of in the book number of the stars?

In the book "Number the Stars," Ellen says that her mother is afraid of the Nazis finding out that Ellen is Jewish and her family hiding Jewish refugees like the Rosens. This is because the Nazis are hunting down Jewish people during the occupation of Denmark in World War II.

Who is Ellen in the book Number the Stars by Lois Lowry?

She is brave, clever, and in some parts of the book, really smart.

Who is annemarie and Ellen?

Annemarie and Ellen are characters in the book "Number the Stars" by Lois Lowry. They are best friends living in Denmark during World War II. Annemarie helps to protect Ellen, who is Jewish, from the Nazis during the occupation of Denmark.

In the book numbser in the stars What is does Ellen father do as a porfession?

Ellen's father is a teacher.

What does Ellen look like in Number the Stars?

In "Number the Stars" by Lois Lowry, Ellen is described as having light blonde hair and blue eyes. She is depicted as a brave and resourceful girl who is able to handle difficult situations with courage. She is a close friend of the main character, Annemarie, and plays a significant role in the story.

Whose nickname is giraffe in the Number the Stars book?

The character whose nickname is "giraffe" in the book "Number the Stars" is Ellen Rosen. Ellen's tall and thin stature led her friends to affectionately call her giraffe.

In the book number the stars what brave thing did Annmarie have to do?

In the book "Number the Stars," Annemarie demonstrates bravery by helping her Jewish friend Ellen escape from the Nazis in Denmark during World War II. She risks her own safety to protect Ellen and her family, showing courage and resilience in the face of danger.