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it might be religion.

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Q: A viewpoint that is influenced by one's own culture and experience is?
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Where the Visigoths were one of the most influencial people on Roman culture?

No they were not. The Visigoths appeared towards the end of Roman civilisation and did not have much of an influence on the Romans. It was the other way round. The Romans influenced the Visigoths. The ones who had a big influence on the Romans were the Greeks.

Should you retain your own culture?

Yes, it is important to retain your own culture as it is a key part of your identity and heritage. Embracing your culture can provide a sense of belonging, connection, and pride. However, it is also important to be open to learning about and respecting other cultures.

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The neihbouring ones: Germany, Great-Britain, Italy, Spain.

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How does country movies affect cultures?

Based on what I have read from sociologists, political scientists, media critics and "history" buffs" a film dealing with any part of a country's culture is not influenced by that film. I have never read from anyone involved in studying these matters that a film such as "Braveheart" to give an example, did anything to affect the culture of Scotland. Culture changes move slowly in general over time. What can influence a culture are major financial disasters and wars, to name the ones that come to mind first.

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Eurocentric views on African societies are ones of lies and manipulation. Normally people who are Eurocentric discount or disfranchise the African people and their inventions and or innovations. They also look down on their culture as well, thinking that it is primitive, when in reality almost everything you see around you has been influenced either subtly or blatantly by their culture and history.

What are key events?

The most important ones that probably had an impact on the following events and influenced history.

What do rome and Greece have in common in cultural life?

Architecture mostly, as Roman culture was heavily influenced and indirectly created from a greek culture, before Rome was founded hellenic culture has spread throughout a large portion of the world, greek colonists have settled in southern italy. when rome was founded by the Trojan survivor, Aenid, it would also become a similar culture to its neighbors, a greek-influenced city, most roman architecture is modeled after rome, until the Gallic invasion of Brennus roman warriors fought in greek-style hoplite phalanxes. roman architecture during the empire would look very similar to greek ones, including the extensive use of stone pillars.

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There are thousands of distinct religions in the world, with major ones being Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Judaism. The exact number of religions is difficult to ascertain due to varying beliefs and interpretations within each religion.

When a person has too high of an opinion of his own culture it is called?

Ethnocentrism is when a person has too high an opinion of ones culture...