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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 3y ago
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βˆ™ 3y ago
i dont think sooo
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βˆ™ 20h ago

A virus contains genetic material (DNA or RNA) encased in a protein coat. This genetic material allows the virus to replicate inside living cells by hijacking the cell's machinery. Viruses cannot live or carry out functions on their own, but they can infect living cells and use them to reproduce.

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Q: A virus contains a set of plans for living cells?
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The virus that causes chicken pox contains DNA. It reproduces inside the cells of living organisms. The virus is not made of cells and does not eat or breathe. Why isn’t the virus considered to be a living thing?

it is not made of cells (A+)

How it lives virus?

I am assuming that you are asking how a virus lives in the body. A virus is NOT a live organism. It is able to penetrate the host's cells and duplicate the RNA/DNA within those cells and when those cells replicate, the virus also replicates, thus growing in numbers very quickly. Viruses are difficult to kill since they are not considered living organisms. One way that might help is to denature the proteins that are living inside the cytoplasm of the virus.

What do a virus and a living cell have in common?

Viruses cannot reproduce. They use a living cell to replicate themselves. When a virus infects a living cell, it injects its genetic material (DNA or RNA) into the cell. The virus' genetic material takes control of the cell and turns it into a virus factory. The cell does nothing but manufacture and assemble virus parts until eventually the cell ruptures and the new viruses erupt and go on to infect more cells.

What would happen to a virus that never came in contact with a living cell-?

Since a virus can only replicate on a living cell, host cell, it wouldn't be able to reproduce.

What is the differences between cell and virus?

A virus is an infectious cell that tries to take over any thing near it and regular cells are building blocks to any living material that doesn't try to do harm to other cells.

Related questions

A Virus contains a set of plans for what?

infecting living cells

The virus that causes chicken pox contains DNA. It reproduces inside the cells of living organisms. The virus is not made of cells and does not eat or breathe. Why isn’t the virus considered to be a living thing?

it is not made of cells (A+)

If the virus that causes chickenpox contains DNA reproduces inside cells of living organisms is not made of cells and does not eat or breathe then why isn't the virus considered to be living?

Viruses are not living things because they do not meat the definition/standard science uses to define living things.

How many cells does a virus contains?


Is a virus made up of a cell or cells?

No, a virus is not made up of cells. It is a small infectious agent that can only replicate inside the cells of living organisms.

Did viruses appear before or after living cells?

no because we needed to know about living cells to know about a virus.

An agent that reproduces in cells but is not composed of cells and contains RNA as its genetic material is what?

A virus

Is influenza virus prokaryotic or eukaryotic?

Influenza are a virus type.They do not have cells

What does not have a organelles?

Organelles are in every cell. Virus do not have organelles.

What organism does the flu virus represent?

The flu virus is a virus. It is a non-living particle that infects living cells, takes over their machinery and makes more of themselves.

Virus is living or nonliving?

A virus is considered non-living. It does not have all the characteristics of a living thing unlike bacteria. Viruses need living cells to reproduce while any living things can reproduce (asexually or not).

How do virus's effect living cells?

go some were else you twats