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Q: A visible light wave that can be bent the least by a prism is the color?
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What phenomenon cause color of visible light to be separate by a prism?

Refraction is the phenomenon causes colors of visible light to be separated by a prism.

How can you separate the color of visible light?

This is normally done by passing the light through a prism.

What color is least bent by a prism?

Red light is refracted the least by a prism as it has the longest wavelength.

What does A Triangular Prism?

it filters light and makes the color that forms it visible to the eye.

Which color of visible light travels the slowest through a glass prism?

The lowest frequency / longest wavelength of visible light are those of the last color you can see on the RED end of the rainbow.

Which wavelength of visible light bends the most when refracted by a prism?

When light passes through a prism, the angle of deviation of any light beam is inversely proportional to its wavelengh. Since, violet color has least wave length, it bends the most and the red bends the least.Dhirender Sharma

Which color of light is dispersed most by a prism?

The refractive index of violet light is most in a glass prism and is the least for the red light. So violet light is most refracted in the glass prism.

What do you call a prism spreading out light into colors?

It is called Visible light Spectrum.

When light shines into a prism a rainbow of colors comes out of the prism.?

When ordinary visible light shines on a prism.

How do prisms make rainbows?

light passes through prism and the prism refracts the light dividing it into the colors of the visible color spectrum. They colors are red orange yellow green blue and violet.

Does the prism change the color of the light?

A prism will split white light into its constituent colours (the colours of the rainbow). "White light" is the light we see around us i.e. natural light from the sun. This light is made up of all the colours in the visible spectrum

The colour least deviated when he light passes through the prism?

Out of the visible colors, red. The lower the wavelength the less it is dispersed.