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Q: A wave pattern travels down the length of the axon of a cell?
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What A wave pattern travels down the length of the axon of a cell.?

A wave pattern travels down the length of the axon of a nerve cell. A nerve cell, also called a neuron, is a specialized cell that transmits nerve impulses.

A wave pattern travels down the length of the axon of what kind of cell?

A wave pattern travels down the length of the axon of a nerve cell. A nerve cell, also called a neuron, is a specialized cell that transmits nerve impulses.

A nerve impulse travels from one cell to another by passing from?

one axon to a dendrite...

In what direction does an action potential move in a nerve cell?

originates in axon hillock. travels down axon to the target (i.e dendrite, another cell body, muscle fiber...)

When an action potential is initiated on a nerve cell membrane it radiates and is propagated in all directions from the point of initial stimulation?

Correct. The action potential is initiated at a specific point on the cell membrane called the axon hillock, and it then travels down the axon in one direction. Once initiated, it spreads along the entire length of the axon and can be transmitted to other neurons or muscle cells.

A single neuron cell can be over a meter long due to the length of its?


How is an impulse communicated from nerve cell to nerve cell?

Via chemical messangers that cross the synapse.

What electrical impulse travels outward from the cell body along what?

Typically, the electrical signal that travels from the dendrites across the cell body travels by cable conduction properties (like cable TV). Once the signal reaches the axon hillock, which is the spot where the axon branches off the cell body, the electrical signal starts traveling by action potentials (and maybe some cable conduction). The signal travels to the terminal end of the axon where it initiates a calcium influx, which in turn initiates a release of neurotransmitter to act on the next, post-synaptic neuron. The axon is the long process (arm) that extends from the first cell body to the next neuron.

How many axons can a single Schwann cell myelinate?

Unlike oligodendrocytes Schwann cells can only myelinate one axon. But the number of Schwann cells it takes to myelinate an axon depends on the axon length as a Schwann cell only myelinates one area between pairs of Nodes of Ranvier. Think of it like a string of sausage. the sting is the axon, each sausage is where a single Schwann cell myelinates that axon, as stated the length will determine the total number of Schwann cells needed for myelination, but a Schwann cell can only myelinate one axon.

An electrical impulse moving down an axon is called what?

The nerve that travels down a neuron axon is basically Action Potential.It is an electrochemical change that passes through the cell.

What region of the cell secretes neurotransmitters?

an axon terminal

What tissue is the effector?

dendrite, cell body, axon dendrite, cell body, axon