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If it vibrates up and down twice each second, its frequency is 2 Hz.

Its speed makes no difference.

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1w ago

The frequency would be 2 Hz, as the weight completes two full cycles (up and down movements) per second.

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14y ago

If the bouncing weight completes two whole motions every second,
then its frequency is 2 Hz.

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7y ago

It is 5 Hertz.

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Q: A weight suspended from a spring bobs uo and down over a distance of 20 centimeters twice each second what is it frequency?
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Wavelength = speed / frequency300,000,000 meters per second/530,000,000 per second = 56.6 centimeters

How can you find the wave speed from the wavelength and frequency?

Im fairly sure that its frequency multiplied by wavelength. Frequency is essentially waves per second, since hertz is cycles per second, so its distance (metres) times frequency (cycles per second), which gives speed (metres per second).

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A wave travels an average distance of 1 meter in 1 second with a frequency of 1 hertz Its amplitude is that there is not enough information to say. A 60 vibration per second wave travels 30 meters in 1 second, its frequency is 60 hertz and it travels 30 meters per second.

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Frequency refers to the number of vibrations per second and is measured in hertz (Hz), while speed refers to how fast sound waves travel through a medium and is typically measured in meters per second (m/s). Essentially, frequency is a characteristic of the sound wave itself, while speed is a property of the medium through which the sound wave is traveling.

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Wavelength = speed/frequency = 350/640 = 54.7 centimeters (rounded)

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Frequency is measured by hertz, or Hz. 1 Hz is a frequency of one cycle per second, and as such a frequency of 60 flashes per second would yield 60 Hz.

The difference between frequency of a wave and the period of a wave?

The frequency of a wave is the number of complete cycles of the wave that pass a point in a certain amount of time (usually one second). The period of a wave is the time it takes for one complete cycle of the wave to pass a point. They are inversely related: the frequency is the reciprocal of the period.

What term refers to the distance a wave travels in a cycle?

The distance a wave goes in a single cycle is determined by a few things. The most important is the frequency, or how many cycles are in a second. The speed of a wave is also important, as it is independent from the frequency.

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Frequency: 20 waves per 2 seconds = 10 waves per second = 10 Hz.Wavelength: Double the distance between crest and adjacent trough = 3 meters.Speed: (frequency) x (wavelength) = 10 x 3 = 30 meters per second.

What is the relationship wavelength and frequency?

Frequency is the number of wavelenghts passing though a given point in one second. Wavelength is the distance between two crest or troughs. The relationship between wavelenght and frequency is given by f = 1/wavelength. where f = frequency

How is amplitude different from from frequency?

Amplitude refers to the size or magnitude of a wave, representing the maximum displacement of a wave from its resting position. Frequency, on the other hand, measures the number of wave cycles occurring in a given period of time, usually expressed in hertz.