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A black hole

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Q: A what is so dense that nothing including light can escape its gravity field?
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What is a region so dense that nothing including light can escape its gravity field?

black hole

What is the most dense that nothing including light can escape from its gravity field?

a fat fat fat fat person! :) Also known as your mom^

What object is so dense that even light can not escape its gravity?

That is called a "black hole".

What object is so dense and has such strong gravity that no light can escape it?

You are referring to a black hole.

What is a massive and dense object from which light cannot escape its gravity called?

A "Singularity" or a "black hole".

How do you describe a black hole?

A black hole is an object that has completely collapsed under the force of gravity into an infinitely dense point. Around it gravity greatly distorts space and time so that, within a certain radius, it is impossible to move outward. Nothing, not even light can escape.

Does an objects density determine how much gravity it has?

Yes. As an example, a black hole is so dense that its gravity is so strong that even light is drawn into it and cannot escape.

Is black hole a tunnel?

No. A black hole is an object (for lack of a better word) with such intense gravity that nothing, not even light can escape within a certain radius. The center of a black hole consists of an infinitely dense point called a singularity.

What does denstiy depend on?

Nothing, it is a property of matter. However that said, Gravity can collapse matter making it more dense.

What forms when the leftovers of a supernova are so massive that they collapse to form a dense object whose gravity is so strong that light cannot escape?

A black hole.

Does steam resist gravity?

only in as much as whatever kinetic energy it has, or if it is less dense than the surrounding atmosphere. nothing really "resists" gravity, but it can work counter to it's force. steam rises not because it is resisting gravity, but because it is less dense than the air surrounding it, therefore causing it to be "pushed up"

Why black hole has much gravity and what is it's source?

The source of its gravity is its mass. Black holes also have the property of being very dense. Black holes by definition are objects where the escape velocity is equal to or greater than the speed of light.