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There is no chance that the child will have hemophilia even if the spouse has hemophilia. Any girls the couple has will be carriers if the spouse has hemophilia.

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Pretty much 100 percent.

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Q: A woman with hemophilia and a man without hemophilia get married. What are the chances that their first child will have hemophilia?
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What A woman with hemophilia and a men without hemophilia get married . what are the chances that their first child will have hemophilia?


Can hemophilia be detected in the child before birth?

yes hemophilia can be detected before birth

A woman with hemophilia and a man without hemophilia are expecting a baby boy what are the chances that their son will also have hemophilia?

If the female has what is classically defined as female hemophilia (carries the mutation on both of her X chromosomes), then all sons she would have would also have hemophilia. All of the woman's daughters would also inherit the gene, however since they would also be getting a normal X chromosome from their father, they would not, themselves, have hemophilia under the classical definition. Today, it is understood that even carrying the trait on a single X chromosome can reduce a female's factor levels and give cause for doctors to diagnose her with hemophilia. Thus if you are simply looking at genetics (which you probably are) then the answer is all of her sons would have it and all of her daughters would be carriers. Therefore, since there is a 50-50 chance the first child bore would be a male, and a 50-50 chance it would be a female, the chance that their first child born would have hemophilia is 50%.

Is hemophilia co dominant or dominant?

It is very much recessive with only one exception, which is that there is a large portion of women who simply carry the trait but dont actually have it. If you are to procreate with a female carrier than your chances of having a hemophiliac child are still not very high. You can find all the info you need by using a Punnett Square method to figure out the chances of hemophiliac children with 2 parents.

What whoud be the result of a normal women having a child with a hemophilia men?

All Girls will be carriers of Hemophilia and all Males will be unaffected (they won't have Hemophilia).

Can as married to as?

the chances of you and your partner having an SS child as you rightly said is 25%.but there is no way of predicting

Can you get a test if you are pregnant to see if your child has hemophilia?

It is possible to diagnose Hemophilia in the fetus during pregnancy by demonstrating the abnormal gene.

Can a man with As marry a woman with a As without having an SS child?

yes. chances of getting a normal child is 50/50

If a child gets pregnant while in dfcs custody can the child get married without there consent?


What gene does hemophilia affect?

The gene that causes hemophilia is located on the X chromosome. A woman who gives birth to a child with hemophilia often has other male relatives who have hemophilia. Sometimes, a baby will be born with hemophilia when there is no known family history. This means the gene can be"hidden"( or passed down through several generations of female carriers without affecting any male members of the family) or the change in the X chromosome is new (a spontaneous mutation).

If both parents are carriers what will the child be?

When a recessive trait is inherited from both parents, it will be expressed. If the trait is hemophilia, the child will be a hemophiliac.

Can a married man adopt a child without his wife?

Of course not are you crazy you always have to have a wife with you