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Q: A word made by combining the first letter of each important word in the name of a group or project?
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What is the combining form meaning first?

arche/o= first, beginning

A combining vowel and what make up the combining form?

combine this two sentences with 2 different beggings. the first step was to tear down the old garage. carrying the way the rubbish was exhusting.

Why was Project Gemini so important?

The project Gemini was important because it prepared the Americans for the Apollo moon program. Many technologies developed for the Apollo missions were tested in space during the Gemini program. One of the highlights of the the Gemini project was the first EVA (extra-vehicular activity) performed by Ed White during the mission Gemini 4. (first EVA done by US)

You must capitalize the first letter of each important word in a?


Who started the atomic bomb project?

FDR authorized the project in response to a letter signed by Einstein (but actually written by Leo Szilard) warning of the possibility that the Nazis might build such a bomb first.

Who created the circus?

The Circus Maximus was an ongoing project, with every important ruler adding to it. The first Etruscan king, Tarquiniuis Priscus is credited with building the first one.

Why it is important for those who have responsibilities managers in an organization to visit sites reguarly?

So you know what is really going on and to make the appropriate project adjustments based on first-hand experience. You can not lead a project from a desk.

Is A Christmas Carol Jim Carrey's first Disney project?

No, its not "The Grinch" is his first project.

What was Harry S. Truman do that was important?

He saw the Manhattan project to the end by dropped A bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki respectively, the first and last of its kinds in history. That is one hell of an important job.

What was the tractor first used for?

Farm stuff like plowing or combining

Why designing layout is important in electrical?

Doing the job right the first time is important. Changes when the project is underway is an added cost. Without a properly designed layout the job moves slower due to people not knowing what they want and this then raises the overall cost of the project. The old adage put it on paper first, get it verified and then build it, still holds true.

What was eOne Global's first project?

Its first project was CashTax, a tax-payment project that as of 2003 processed 40 million payments annually for corporate customers.