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Q: A word that means the same thing as a consumer is a producer?
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A word that means the same thing as a consumer?


Is snail a producer or consumer?

a consumer. producers are only plants. but if you said a sea snail.... it would be the same

What is a word that means the same thing as a consumer?

buyer, customer, end user, enjoyer, purchaser,shopper, user

Could an organism be a first order and a second order consumer at the same time in the same food wed?

Yes. the organism can be able to eat the producer and the first consumer.

How is the brown trout both a consumer and a predator?

because a consumer eats another thing and a predator is the killer and that's the same thing as a consumer

Food chains in a tropical forest?

the food chain is the same in any evironment producer------>primery cunsumer------>secondary consumer------>tietry consumer

Are primary and secondary consumer's the same thing?

No, the primary consumer are herbivores whereas the secondary consumer is carnivores.

Does carnivore mean the same thing as consumer?


What is the difference between a consumer and a producer substitute economics?

A consumer substitute refers to two goods that are alternative choices for a consumer for example Coke and Pepsi. A producer substitute refer to products that are alternative choices for producers and could have been produced using the same resources for example wheat and barley.

How is energy loss in producer and consumer?

In the producer, energy is lost through growth, respiration and other life processes. It's the same in the consumer - excretion, respiration, movement, growth and other life processes all account for the vast amounts of energy that are lost in a food chain. This explains why food chains don't normally last longer than 4 stages - producer, consumer, secondary consumer and tertiary consumer.

Is a herbivore a producer?

No, its is not possible for a carnivore to be a producer at the same time. A producer will have no need to become a consumer if it can sustain itself. that is true my friend but it can be food for other carnivors and when it dies what happens it rottens into the soil to form dirt. and this dirt amkes a plant. so yeah it can be a producer. dont give my answer to your teacher they will not accept it. XD!

What is the same thing as a consumer?

A consumer is the same thing as buyer, or an eater. Most animals are consumer because they have to eat to get energy, while plants are producers because they make their own food from sunlight. so animals, buyers, and eaters are consumers, really. I hope that's what you meant.