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Q: A zebra needs what in it habitat to survive?
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What temperature does a habitat have to be in order for the zebra to survive?

it as to be 80 degree's or more for them to survive

What is one adaptation a zebra needs to survive?


How can a panda survive in changes of a habitat?

it cant it needs bamboo to survive

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What is the place where an organism lives and where it obtains all the things it needs to survive?

a habitat

Name three things that a zebra needs to survive?

Food, water and not to be eaten by lions!

The place in which organisms lives and obtains the things it needs to survive is its what?

Its habitat.

What is a environment that meets the needs of an organism?

Habitat ………………………………,.-'"………………."~., ………………………..,.-"…………………………….."-., …………………….,/………………………………………..":, …………………,?………………………………………………\, ………………./…………………………………………………..,} ……………../………………………………………………,:`^`..} ……………/……………………………………………,:"………/ …………..?…..__…………………………………..:`………../ …………./__.(….."~-,_…………………………,:`………./ ………../(_…."~,_…….."~,_………………..,:`…….._/ ... ……….{.._$;_……"=,_……."-,_…….,.-~-,},.~";/….} ………..((…..*~_……."=-._……";,,./`…./"…………../ …,,,___.\`~,……"~.,………………..`…..}…………../ …………(….`=-,,…….`……………………(……;_,,-" …………/.`~,……`-………………………….\……/\ ………….\`~.*-,……………………………….|,./…..\,__ ,,_……….}.>-._\……………………………..|…………..`=~-, …..`=~-,_\_……`\,……………………………\ ……………….`=~-,,.\,………………………….\ …………………………..`:,,………………………`\…………..__ ……………………………….`=-,……………….,%`>-==" …………………………………._\……….._,-%…….`\ ……………………………..,<`.._|_,-&"……………

Can a tiger survive with zebra?

Yes, the tiger will survive, it will eat the zebra. However zebra are not on the tigers diet as the tiger lives in Asia and the zebra Africa.

Will no rain for 3 months change a forest habitat?

it can but it mostly needs rain to survive

Where is the habitat of the zebra?

in the savannhas of Africa

Where is the habitat of a horse?

A Horse is a type of zebra with out the stripes it has the same family belonging to a zebra